CLASS LITTLE DRAGONS KUNG FU Empower your child in our Little Dragons Kung Fu Class. Children will learn the world famous Shaolin Kung Fu which teaches discipline and focus, builds strength, develops coordination and promotes positivity and self defence | AGE GROUP & SCHEDULE 4 YEARS - 14 YEARS OLD MONDAY: 4.30PM - 5.30PM TUESDAY: 4.30PM - 5.30PM WEDNESDAY: 4.30PM - 5.30PM THURSDAY: 4.30PM - 5.30PM FRIDAY: 4PM - 5PM SATURDAY: 9.30AM - 10.30AM |
CLASS ADULTS KUNG FU Direct from the world famous Shaolin Temple and developed over 1500 years Adults learn Shaolin Kung Fu in these classes. The Shaolin Warrior Monks are legendary and you can learn the physical and mental aspects of their Kung Fu in these classes. Improve your flexibility and focus, develop your coordination, confidence and strength, learn amazing weapons and animal styles of Kung Fu and embrace the practical applications and mindfulness of Shaolin Kung Fu. | AGE GROUP & SCHEDULE OVER 14 YEARS OLD MONDAY: 6.30PM - 7.30PM TUESDAY: 6.15PM - 7.15PM WEDNESDAY: 6.30PM - 7.30PM THURSDAY: 6.15PM - 7.15PM SATURDAY: 8.30AM - 9.30AM |
CLASS TAI CHI Tai Chi, or Taijiquan in Chinese, is an outstanding gem of traditional Chinese culture that is valuable in promoting health, developing combat and self-defence skills, and improving concentration and overall well-being. There are many different forms of Tai Chi with the main styles being Chen, Yang, Sun, Wu, Woo and Dong Yue. While each style has its own characteristics, the principles remain the same. The Yang style is the one you have probably seen being practiced in the park. It is the style responsible for the spread in popularity of Tai Chi for health and relaxation. | AGE GROUP & SCHEDULE ALL AGES WELCOME MONDAY: 5.30PM - 6.30PM WEDNESDAY: 5.30PM - 6.30PM |
CLASS TUMBLING & ACROBATICS Flips and cartwheel's are just a couple of key elements of Tumbling and Acrobatics Class. Students learn the building blocks of acrobatic ability such as Handstands, spring training and core work to enable them to learn the technical skills such as back flips or aerial cartwheels found within the class. This class caters for all level's of ability. | AGE GROUP & SCHEDULE 4 YEARS & OVER FRIDAY: 5PM - 6PM SATURDAY: 10.30AM - 11.30AM |
CLASS BODY BLITZ Is a high intensity full body workout. It is a whole body focused class that is constantly evolving. Utilising world class fitness methodology from a wide variety of sports designed to get you toned, strong and fit. A great edition to your existing training or a great way to improve your overall physical body. This class accommodates all levels of ability | AGE GROUP & SCHEDULE 12 YEARS & OVER TUESDAY: 5.30PM - 6.15PM THURSDAY: 5.30PM - 6.15PM |
CLASS SANDA (CHINESE MMA) Sanda is a combat sport developed by the Chinese military that is used in competitions and by MMA fighters in the UFC, Bellator, One FC and more. It utilises punches, kicks and various grappling techniques including takedowns, throws and sweeps. Students go through workouts focused on improving technique, cardiovascular performance, explosive strength, reflexes, speed, sparring and more. | AGE GROUP & SCHEDULE 18 YEARS AND OVER WEDNESDAY: 7.30PM - 8.30PM |
CLASS CHAN (ZEN) MEDITATION & HEALTH QI GONG Qigong is an integral component of Chinese health systems that combines integrated physical movement, mental cultivation and regulated breathing. This activity is designed to guide and induce the free flow of energy Qi throughout the body, maintaining the harmony of Yin and Yang, which promotes health and a greater sense of well being. | AGE GROUP & SCHEDULE ALL AGES WELCOME SATURDAY: 7.45AM - 8.30AM |
CLASS CONTEMPORARY WUSHU Wushu, which is also referred to as KungFu in the West, is a generic term for Chinese Martial arts. In the modern era Wushu is seprated into traditonal Wushu and Contemporary Wushu. Styles Like Shaolin Kung Fu or Praying Mantis are considered traditional Wushu. This class focuses on Contemporary Wushu which consists of styles like Chang Quan (Long Fist) and Nan Quan (Southern FIst) and the weapons of the staff, broadsword, straight sword, spear, southen sword and southern staff. Contemporary Wushu has a high demand for fitness and aerial and acrobatic movements as you get better. | AGE GROUP & SCHEDULE TUESDAY 7.15PM - 8.15PM |
CLASS BAGUA ZHANG & XINGYI QUAN Xingyi Quan is a direct and highly effective Style of Kung Fu with its origins direct from the military arts. Bagua Zhang is a fluid and rapidly moving style of Kung Fu designed to be used against multiple opponents and utilised by the Bodygaurd industry during its inception. Together with Tai Chi, Bagua Zhang and Xingyi Quan are part of the Internal Trinity of Chinese Martial Arts as they utilise unique internal attributes to enhance the physical actions of combat. | AGE GROUP & SCHEDULE OVER 14 YEARS OLD MONDAY 7.30PM - 8.30PM |
CLASS MARTIAL ARTS TRICKING A fusion of martial arts and gymnastics skills. From the beginner to the advanced this class is a great way to enhance your existing martial arts skills or introduce you to a new and exciting sport. Learn the foundation skills to be able to then go onto linked combos and more technically focused skills. | AGE GROUP & SCHEDULE ADULTS & CHILDREN (6YRS & OVER) THURSDAY 7.15PM - 8.15PM |
CLASS LION & DRAGON DANCE Lion and Dragon Dancing is a traditional cultural art that has also become a competitive sport. Traditionally performed during festivals such as the Lunar New Year it is energetic, exciting and all ages can participate. Learning both the muscial skills and the physical skills of making the dance come to life it is a great experience where teamwork and a positive vibe work well with learning new skills and getting fit. | AGE GROUP & SCHEDULE ALL AGES WELCOME SATURDAY 11.30AM - 12.15PM |